How To Maintain Weight Naturally?

10 Habits That Will Keep You Fit At All Times


a woman in a white shirt training in the gym
a woman in a white shirt training in the gym

As a little pre-story...
Continuous struggles with distorted body image and eating disorders as a result of it did put me on the path of self-discovery quite early on in life.
Throughout my teenage and youth, I was continuously researching information on body fitness, reading countless articles, and seeking personal testimonials - all about losing and maintaining body weight.
I tried every imaginable diet and exercise routine and even ventured into trying various weight loss supplements, which ultimately resulted in gut health complications that took me years to overcome.

Does any of the above sound familiar to you?

Many of us "been there done that"..
Went through a harsh diet and intense workouts
Lost weight (be it 1 kg or 10 or 20)
Got excited about finally wearing that cropped top
or seeing that desired reflection in the mirror
And soon enough... Frustratingly watched it all fall back to the same starting point.
Because lemme tell you a "secret" - all those "magical" diets and supplements can only serve
as an extremely Temporary solution and will Not realistically help you maintain weight.
"Bad News" is... There's No magic when it comes to maintaining your figure
But the "Good News" is.. There's a set of
Practical Sustainable Daily Habits
that won't only take you out of the vicious weight loss cycles for good
but will also lead you to a much healthier and happier life.

So How Can We Maintain Body Weight Naturally?
Here are my Tried and True 10 Habits That Will Keep You Fit At All Times.

This one is number 1 for a reason. It's all about the continuous INSULIN release into your bloodstream - whether it's just 1 calorie or a hundred. Constant snacking, even on seemingly small bites, can lead to a consistent spike in insulin levels.
Insulin is a hormone that plays a crucial role in regulating blood sugar, but when it's constantly elevated due to frequent snacking, it can cause fat storage and disrupt the body's natural metabolism.
It's essential to have periods of time during which your body receives no calorie intake whatsoever. These intervals allow your digestive system to rest fully from processing new inputs and enable it to transition into an energy-burning mode.
The longer the breaks between meals (within reasonable limits), the greater the potential for increased metabolic activity, leading to either weight loss or stable weight maintenance.
However, it's important to acknowledge that we all encounter days when circumstances lead to more frequent calorie intake, driven by cravings or low spirits. It's perfectly acceptable to embrace our human nature during such instances, without resorting to self-criticism or punishment.
As long as temporary snacking doesn't turn into an unhealthy pattern, you've got nothing to worry about. 

a hamster eating a piece of food
a hamster eating a piece of food

1. Refraining From Frequent Snacking

Movement is life!
And when I say movement, I'm not referring to intense workout routines. Countless opportunities to remain active are always within reach even if structured activities don't resonate with you.
Go on a leisurely walk,
Tidy up and declutter your space,
Enjoy some gentle stretches,
Complete a round of push-ups,
Put on your favourite music and dance around the room.

And unless a significant disability restricts you (a matter deserving individual consideration), the mentioned activities are easily attainable for anyone. Refrain from spending an entire day lying down or sitting and incorporate whenever you can some form of movement - cultivating this as a habitual practice in your life will immensely improve your overall well-being and will massively help to maintain your weight naturally.

2. Being Active

Adequate sleep is highly important for the optimal functioning of the body and the maintenance of stable body weight.
When sleep is lacking, the body increases the production of insulin which in turn leads to elevated blood sugar levels, feelings of hunger, and a sluggish metabolism. Additionally, fatigue tends to induce strong cravings, often towards fatty and sugary foods.

However, guiding individuals on a precise sleeping routine isn't a one-size-fits-all solution.
Each person's body is unique, and whilst the idea of committing to a consistent bedtime at 11 pm with a continuous 8-hour sleep is great in theory, its practical applicability
is far from universal. Does the deviation from the ideal have to lead to weight-related challenges? Absolutely not.
There's a variety of sleep cycles that exists for a reason - think for example of "night owls" and "early birds" that operate on completely different schedules.
Explore and experiment what sleep routine is the most optimal for You
taking into consideration your peak performance hours and the moments of higher or lower productivity.
Whatever you choose to do, the ultimate goal is to ensure you get full recovery and rejuvenation on a regular basis.

3. Getting Enough Sleep

Be mindful of eating right before going to sleep, as can trigger a spike in blood sugar levels, potentially causing the body to prioritize fat storage over its natural process of sleep time fat burning.

But of course, it's important to remember that the circumstances may vary.
For example, consuming a meal just before sleep might be your only possible option due to a busy schedule. 
Or at times you may be struggling to fall asleep due to various factors and end up developing a sense of hunger.
There's No Sin in having some food just before sleep as long as you keep in mind such criteria as the 
quality and the quantity of your meal (or snacks). 
Opt for items that are lower in carbohydrates, try to avoid meaty or sugary products, and instead consider foods like yogurts, cottage cheese, vegetables, fish and nuts that will make the hunger vanish and won't disrupt your metabolism during rest.

sitting woman in bed eating pastry
sitting woman in bed eating pastry

4. Avoiding Eating Right Before Sleep

Less carbs and sugars - less insulin production (yes, the infamous insulin once again).
However, it's important to note that adopting a no-carb approach isn't the solution either.
Plus - not all carbohydrates are the same, for example, you can replace white flour with a whole grain one.
From many years of experimentation, my present stance on "dieting" revolves simply around moderation. There's a place for all kinds of foods, but it's essential to develop an intuitive understanding of what your body truly craves, which comes with time and mindful practice.

Cakes, pasta, pizzas and alike – essentially, anything dough-based and combined with fats and sugars should be taking up the smallest part of your overall "diet". While you can still allow yourself to enjoy such foods, it's ideal to limit their consumption by choosing small quantities or eating them during days of higher physical activity.
Remember - the more you train your mind and body daily to choose healthier food and snack options, the stronger your healthy habits will become and the cravings dissipate.
Baby steps and no rush, it's all about consistency!

5. Reducing Carbs and Sugar

Chances are, you're already familiar with the fact that the human body predominantly consists of water. This essential element fuels our body's functioning, bolsters our energy levels, and supports a healthy metabolism.
However the problem
emerges when individuals rely solely on the sensation of thirst to define their hydration habits. Often by the time you are experiencing a feeling of actual "thirst", your body is already dehydrated beyond what it should be.
Interestingly, the sensation of thirst can often be mistakenly interpreted by our bodies as hunger leading to unnecessary snacking and therefore struggles to maintain a stable body weight.

Having learnt the above early on in life,

I committed myself to treat hydration seriously and basically see it as "training a muscle":

got a spare moment - have a glass of water...
feeling low energy - drink some water...
feeling bored or emotional and wanting sweets? - try water instead...
feeling hungry? - drink some water first and observe how you feel before reaching out for food.

If it's actual hunger, it will come back - but the "bored mouth syndrome" will definitely go away :)

selective focus photography of girl drinking water
selective focus photography of girl drinking water

6. Staying Hydrated

This is one of the very Fundamental principles of maintaining body weight. Yet the question arises - how do we constantly keep track of calories consumed and burnt without driving ourselves insane?
In my experience, back in my teenage years, I went fully in...and meticulously documented all of my daily consumptions + calculated the energy of my daily activities.
It wasn't too fun however it taught me a lot about the energetic value of different foods and brought awareness of how much energy various physical activities can burn.
I learned to pay attention to the ingredients listed on the products and to understand better how to plan my exercise routines.
Nowadays there are many shortcuts to simplify counting calories like, for example, smart watches that will help you calculate and track pretty much anything concerning your body vessel.

Plus I can assure you that over time, as you learn more about nutrition and activities and apply the new healthy habits, little by little you will start noticing that this process becomes much more natural and intuitive - you don't have to actually count the numbers but instead you'll develop a natural knowing.

yellow and green fruit on brown weighing scale
yellow and green fruit on brown weighing scale

7. Burning More Calories Than Consuming

8. Increasing Your Muscle Mass

a person lifting weights
a person lifting weights

Disclaimer - you do not have to transform yourself into a muscular bodybuilder.

What you gotta be striving for is a gradual development of muscle mass in your body, which in turn is going to contribute to an enhanced calorie-burning capability.
This happens because toned muscles have the power to amplify our metabolism allowing it to be naturally higher even at times when you remain still without physical activity.

So if your muscle mass prevails over your fat mass - Bingo! You are in for a Win and can maintain a stable body weight much more effortlessly.

There are different ways in which you can contribute towards growing and toning the muscles, few examples are:

  • body weight exercises or calisthenics

  • yoga and stretching

  • weight lifting

  • jogging

  • Zumba and aerobics

  • dance classes

You can pick one or a few favourite activities so that you have variety and don't get bored,
or you can even incorporate all of the above into your weekly/monthly schedule.
There's no right or wrong and no need to push past your limits

But try and find what physical activity makes you the Happiest and Do It
That is the most important part - make a Commitment and stick to it!

9. Practising Mindful Eating

woman holding fork in front table
woman holding fork in front table

Mindful Eating is a more conscious and balanced approach to consuming food that goes beyond just physical nourishment - it is about establishing a deeper connection with your body's hunger and fullness cues, as well as learning to understand your emotional responses to food.
A few examples of practicing mindful eating could be:

  • Listening to Your Body: Tuning into your body's signals of cravings, hunger and fullness; eating when you're genuinely hungry and stopping when you're comfortably satisfied. (Intuitive Eating Vs Diet: Which One Is For You?)

  • Eating with Intention: Making deliberate choices about what and how much to eat based on your body's needs and your personal preferences rather than sticking to strict diets.

  • Awareness of Emotional Triggers: Recognizing emotional and psychological factors that influence your eating habits, such as stress, boredom, or sadness.

Mindful eating can help individuals develop a healthier relationship with food, improve digestion, prevent overeating, and enhance overall self-feeling.

And not only when it comes to food - Mindfulness is a very powerful practice that can positively transform your whole life even if you begin with just 1 Minute a day.

10. Understanding Balance & Moderation

gold and silver round frame magnifying glass
gold and silver round frame magnifying glass

Summarising all of the suggestions which are tried and true and work incredibly for maintaining your body weight stable and for improving your overall well-being, there's a need to add one more very important piece of advice - to keep in mind that nothing in life is ever "Perfect" but everything is about Balance and Moderation.

Make allowances for the unforeseen and the unplanned – be it a lack of motivation, mood swings, hormonal fluctuations, or any other unexpected hurdles that may surface, because I promise you they inevitably will :)
Yet, all the power lies within You: whether you permit these occasional imbalances to turn into repetitive patterns or if you continuously guide yourself back on track.
No guilt should accompany indulging in that piece of cake or relishing a day of lounging in bed as long as it doesn't become your permanent reality.

  • Been eating a bit too much and moving not enough for a day or 2? - Reset your system by detoxing for a day on veggies and fruits + follow an exercise routine online/go to the gym;

  • Had a crazy night out with friends, went for some fast food afterwards, and then straight to bed? - No worries! Sleep, drink plenty of water, get some fresh fruit juice, and go for a long walk the next day.

    And so on...

Remeber - you always have the choice to balance the scales (literally and figuratively)
And you absolutely Can Do it 💪🏻

The more you train yourself to pay attention to the little things and start developing healthy habits, the sooner these habits are going to become your new reality allowing for a Balanced Relationship between food, exercise, Body, Mind and Spirit ✨

If you want to learn more about achieving the overall Sense of Balance across different aspects of your life - keep on reading!

How To Find Your Balance In Life?